Safeguarding Scenario Cards


A set of 5 different PDF safeguarding scenario cards to be used to support safeguarding knowledge in Early Years settings. These cards all have a scenario appropriate to early years settings, with answers on the back of what you should do in each scenario.

These cards are a great resource for staff meetings or continuous professional development to help staff to keep their current safeguarding knowledge at the forefront of practice. Is also allows the opportunity to create discussion around different scenarios and discuss your settings specific safeguarding policies and procedures and those of your local authority.

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A set of 5 different PDF safeguarding scenario cards to be used to support safeguarding knowledge in Early Years settings. These cards all have a scenario appropriate to early years settings, with answers on the back of what you should do in each scenario.

These cards are a great resource for staff meetings or continuous professional development to help staff to keep their current safeguarding knowledge at the forefront of practice. Is also allows the opportunity to create discussion around different scenarios and discuss your settings specific safeguarding policies and procedures and those of your local authority.

A set of 5 different PDF safeguarding scenario cards to be used to support safeguarding knowledge in Early Years settings. These cards all have a scenario appropriate to early years settings, with answers on the back of what you should do in each scenario.

These cards are a great resource for staff meetings or continuous professional development to help staff to keep their current safeguarding knowledge at the forefront of practice. Is also allows the opportunity to create discussion around different scenarios and discuss your settings specific safeguarding policies and procedures and those of your local authority.

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