Manager Support Packages
We have developed audit packages to help you develop your setting. In the early yearsBeing a manager is a rewarding, exciting and wonderful job; but we recognise that there are times where it can be daunting, frustrating, isolating and lonely. We have developed these packages to support the well-being of managers within the sector and to help show that you are not alone.
We want to be here ready to listen, talk and help you with the problems that you face. Whether these be training issues, staff issues such as conduct or attendance or dealing with difficult parents. We have developed these packages to be there for you, to support you and help you to see how valued you are and that you are not alone.
Manager Support Packages
Our Bronze Package:
One of visit to help/support with a managerial issue.
Written report and recommendations.
Our Silver Package:
Monthly support visit to help develop the setting
Written action plan and audits of practise.
Our Gold Package:
Monthly support visit to help develop the setting.
Written action plan and audits of practise.
Managers well-being day event.
Our Platinum Package:
Monthly support visit to help develop the setting .
Written action plan and audits of practise.
Monthly online network meetings with other managers.
Or would you prefer something personalised for you?
Can’t quite find what you are looking for to meet the needs of your setting? Please contact us on 078602060869 or email pauline@growingtogether.co.uk. We would be more then willing to discuss bespoke packages that meet the individual needs of your setting.
How to purchase your package?
To purchase your package please contact us on 07860206869 or email pauline@growingtogether.co.uk. We aim to respond to any requests within 2 working days.