15 Things To Do With Playdough Before You Are Four

Playdough is a stable part of most of our continuous provision, as part of an area on its own or perhaps within a malleable area. Not only is it a versatile resource it is an inexpensive learning resource that can be used at home or in an early year setting. Playdough can easily be used to incorporate all areas of learning and help to extend children’s interests, independence, and self-esteem.


Therefore, we have created the following 15 things to do with playdough before the age of 4 years old. A perfect mix of activities and things to start trying in storm Eunice as you batten down the hatches and stay at home. Below is my trusted playdough recipe:


Playdough Recipe:

2 cups of plain flour

1 cup of salt

1 tablespoon of cream of tartar

1 tablespoon of oil

1 cup of boiling water from the kettle

(Optional add food colouring or essential oils)

Mix all the ingredients together and then knead until you have a nice dough.


Also, if want to explore more about developing that playdough provision in your early years setting, why not check out our recent recording of ‘Extending Learning Through Your Playdough Provision’ here.


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