The Why Behind Our Playful Phonics Series
We have now 5 different phonics webinars for phase one to three phonics in the letters and sounds framework. These are:
· Overview to Phase One Phonics
· Taking Phase One Phonics Outdoors
· Taking Playful Phase Two Phonics Outdoors
Build words using magnetic letters on a baking tray and then use a sieve to dust them with icing sugar.
So why have we based these sessions on covering phase one to three in a playful way?
As a company we believe that in play young children show the highest form of learning, there is no such thing as just play! But rather play is a vehicle of learning, allowing children to achieve far beyond where they currently are. Vygotsky can be famously quoted for saying that “Children are always a foot taller than themselves in play”. One of my all-time favourite quotes, because play can naturally extend, or scaffold children’s learning and they often show higher levels of learning in play.
So, although we cannot make phonics play in its truest form. As true play is child-led, open-ended and without predetermined outcomes. And we all know a phonics session always has a learning objective and intention that we are hoping the children will get from the session! However, we can make phonics playful, which will benefit the children’s learning and development, by supporting engagement, recognising children are hands on their learning and learn through active experiences.
I love this quote from Playful learning (2021) “Playful Learning is the magic that takes place when you mould a child's natural sense of curiosity with thoughtfully planned learning experiences.” I am true believer that within our day-to-day provision and planning of phonics that this is what we can achieve we can plan a carefully throughout approach to phonics, based on our knowledge of our children and their interests, which will enhance that playful curiosity to learning.
Additionally, through being playful we can tap into children’s natural curiosity and motivation to learn about the environment and the word around us. We know that children learn through hands-on experiences and through exploring and making the sense of the world throughout all their senses. So are playful phonics series involving lots of tactile experiences, experiences that enhance children’s auditory sense, as well as their proprioception and vestibular sense.
So, if you want to find out more and join in our playful phonics series why not check out our online training here.
Grapheme (letter) hunt in flour, rice and chick pea mixture.
Written by Pauline Milsted
(Director of Growing Together)