What are your goals as a company for 2023?

The other day someone asked me, “What are you goals for your business for 2023?”. So, naturally I have been thinking about this huge question. I am not normally someone who is for setting new years resolutions, but what is it that Growing Together Developing Early Years wants to achieve in the next year? As a company we always trying to achieve our 5 core values, these are:

  • To be children centred

  • To be accountable

  • To participate in purposeful change to facilitate impact

  • To build strong and resilient relationships

  • To be people-focused


Additionally, though for 2023 as a company we want to work with you all to reinvent and refocus on our very own 3 R’s:

·         Reenergise

·         Refocus

·         Reinspire

As we emerge as a sector from a global pandemic and being to go back to ‘normal’ live these 3 words seem to be a perfect theme to focus on in 2023. As we hear the word recession, cost of living crisis and many challenges we are facing as individuals, companies, and a sector, we want to bring some positivity through the work we do to lift everyone that we work with.


Reenergise – to work with early years settings to bring energy to our settings, after a tiring through years. To focus on energising staff and teams through supporting well-being, developing passions, creating a community of learners and live, and providing high quality education.


Refocus – To work with settings to refocus on where they are on their journey and where next? To refocus on thinking about good practice in the early years, the importance of play and the fundamentals of early years practice.


Reinspire – We want to inspire those we work with through our enthusiasm and passion, that we share through networking, social media channels and training. We want to share others inspirational practice and celebrate the excellence we see in early years settings.


This is our 3 R’s for 2023, reenergise, refocus and reinspire. We cannot wait to do this with all the wonderful settings we work with and to reach even more early years settings.


Bring on 2023!

Pauline Milsted

Director of Growing Together


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